Jul 01 2004

Vocabulary Words

Published by at 12:00 am under Introduction to Basic Vocabulary

Numbers (Números)

1 – 20: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince, diez y seis, diez y siete, diez y ocho, diez y nueve, veinte.

20-199: veinte y dos is 22. treinta is 30, treinta y tres is 33, cuarenta is 40, cuarenta y cuatro is 44, cincuenta is 50, cincuenta y cinco is 55, sesenta is 60, sesenta y seis is 66, setenta is 70, setenta y siete is 77, ochenta is 80, ochenta y ocho is 88, noventa is 90, noventa y nueve is 99. cien is 100, ciento uno is 101 and ciento noventa y nueve is 199.

Time (La Hora)

The time (la hora) is expressed by es la una for 1:00, son las dos for 2:00, es las una y diez for 1:10, son las dos y diez for 2:10. Y cuarto means a quarter after, e.g., Son las tres y cuarto. (It’s 3:15.) Y media means half past, e.g., Son las cuatro y media. (It’s 4:30.) Hora is hour. ¿Qúe hora es? – What time is it?

Colors (Colores)

Colors (colores) include: rojo (red), azul (blue), blanco (white), negro (black), rosado (pink), amarillo (yellow), anaranjado (orange), verde (green), café/marrón (brown), gris (gray), and violeta/morado (purple). Claro is light, oscuro is dark.

Seasons (Las Estaciones)

Seasons (las estaciones) are: la primavera, el verano, el otoño and el invierno.

Months (Los Meses)

enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre and diciembre.

Days (Los Días)

domingo, lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, and sábado. Año is year and calendario is calendar. Semana is week and fin de semana is weekend. Vacaciones is vacation and día feriado is holiday.

Body Parts (Cuerpo)

cabeza (head), cara (face), boca (mouth), ojos (eyes), oídos (ears), nariz (nose), cuello (neck),
pecho (chest), corazón (heart), estómago (stomach), brazos (arms), manos (hands), dedos (fingers/toes), piernas (legs) and pies (feet)

Clothes (Ropa)

camisa (shirt), playera (T-shirt), blusa (blouse), corbata (tie), vestido (dress), falda (skirt), pantalones (pants), calcetines (socks), traje (suit), suéter (sweater), botas (boots) and zapatos (shoes).

Animals (Animales)

perro (dog), gato (cat), vaca (cow), caballo (horse), ave/pájaro (bird), gallina (chicken), pez (fish), loro (parrot), lagarto (lizard), león (lion), tigre (tiger), mono (monkey), elefante (elefant), oso (bear), ballena (whale) and delfín (dolphin).

Food & Drink (Comida y Bebida)

carne (meat), vegetales (vegetables), cerveza (beer), coca (coke), agua mineral (mineral water), chocolate (chocolate), coco (coconut), postre (dessert), pan (bread), leche (milk), queso (cheese), frijoles (beans), lechuga (lettuce), tomates (tomates), salsa (sauce), salsa de tomate (ketchup), huevos (eggs) and dulces (sweets).

Tableware (Vajilla)

plato (plate), vaso (cup/glass), copa (wine glass), tenedor (fork), cuchillo (knife), cuchara (spoon), cuenco ( bowl), servilleta (napkin), estufa (stove), and cazuela (pot).

Entertainment (Entretenimiento) and Recreation (Recreación)

cine (cinema) teatro (theater), camping (camping), hotel (hotel), barco (boat), fiesta (party), turista (tourist), viaje (trip), aventura (adventure), avión/aeroplano (airplane), aeropuerto (airport), opera (opera), museo (museum), música (music), discoteca (discoteque), deportes (sports), jogging (footing), béisbol (baseball), fútbol (soccer) fútbol americano (football), boxeo (boxing), and juego (game).

Family (Familia)

padre (father), madre (mother), hermano(a) (brother/sister), hijo(a) (son/daughter), tío(a) (uncle/aunt), primo(a) (cousin masc./fem.), sobrino(a) (nephew/niece), abuelo(a) (grandfather/grandmother), nieto(a) (grandson/granddaughter), esposo(a) (husband/wife), novio(a) (boyfriend/girlfriend), cariño (honey/dear), divorciado(a) (divorced masc./fem.), viudo(a) (widower/widow), and suegro(a) (father-in-law/mother-in-law).

Jobs (Oficios) and Professions (Profesiones)

el médico (doctor), el abogado (lawyer), el estudiante (student), el maestro (teacher), consultor (consultant), trabajador/obrero (worker/laborer), contratista (contractor), jefe (boss), construcción (construction), carpintero (carpenter), secretario(a) (secretary masc./fem.), recepcionista (receptionist), asistente (assistant), operador(a) (operator masc./fem.), conductor/chofer (driver), hombre/mujer de negocios (businessman/businesswoman), agente (agent), vendedor(a) (salesman/saleswoman) policía (police), bombero (fireman), enfermero(a) (nurse masc./fem.), político (politician) and programador de computadoras (computer programmer).

Stores (Tiendas)

dinero (money), cajero(a) (cashier), mercado (market), supermercado (supermarket), almacén (department store), cheque (check), tarjeta de crédito (credit card), recibo (receipt) and departamento (department).

Misc. Nouns

cosa (thing), carro (car), camino (road), calle (street), mundo (world), tierra (earth), ciudad (city), puente (bridge), sitio (place or site), gente (people), persona (person) and población (population).

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